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  1. Legality / Compliance with University Law, Licensed by SUNEDU

  2. International recognition in one of the international rankings, agreements with prestigious universities

  3. Conduct Research and have publications in indexed journals

  4. Have a structured Internationalization Strategy or Management

  5. Having infrastructure and communication technologies, as well as an office and resources for internationalization

  6. Experience in student and teacher mobility, promote courses offered in foreign languages

  7. Participation in international conferences, fairs and missions that promote the image positioning of the Peruvian university

  8. Membership is put to the vote of the members.


Any institution that wishes to be a member of REDIPERU must undergo the following procedure:


  1. To send a formal letter to the General Committee of REDIPERU, signed by its dean, by means of a letter sent to Esan's party table and mail to: and / or In it you must express the motivation of the institution to be part of REDIPERU and the expectations you have when requesting it. The REDIPERU General Committee will analyze the request and give a response to the institution

  2. Provide the information requested in the form that contemplates in a general way: international area, student flat, careers, university information, which can be submitted to the General Committee of REDIPERU for its consideration and evaluation.

  3. The REDIPERU General Committee will analyze the request and give a response to the institution in a period not less than 30 working days to the receipt of the required documents.

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