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Conferencia Going Global

Actualizado: 20 ene 2020

La Universidad ESAN tuvo la oportunidad de representar a REDIPERU en la Conferencia Global Going 2019 celebrada en Alemania, la profesora Mariella Olivos participó como representante de REDIPERU, con el apoyo del British Council. Going Global reunió a líderes y académicos del Sistema de Educación Superior para discutir diferentes temas relevantes para la internacionalización de las instituciones. Las actividades tuvieron lugar entre el 13 y el 15 de mayo, participaron las siguientes instituciones entre ellas, lUK National Agency for the recognition and homologation of qualifications and international skills,y Universities UK International and Quality Assurance Agency.


Universidad ESAN had the opportunity to represent REDIPERU in the 2019 Going Global Conference held in Germany, Prof. Mariella Olivos participated as representative of the REDIPERU, supported by British Council. Going Global gathered leaders and academics of the High Education System in order to discuss different topics relevant to internationalization of institutions. Activities took place between May 13th and 15th, the following institutions participated, UK National Agency for the recognition and homologation of qualifications and international skills, Universities UK International and Quality Assurance Agency

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Coordinación REDIPERU (Universidad ESAN)

Alonso de Molina 1652 Santiago de Surco, Lima, Perú


+51 (1) 317-7200

(anx. 44381)


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